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Buulo Burdo , Hiiraan

13-11-2023 3:09 AM

Floods kill at least 31 in Somalia

Somali authorities say floods caused by torrential rainfall have killed at least 31 people in var...

Buur Hakaba , Bay

08-11-2023 3:33 AM

Floods hit Somalia after worst drough...

Floods caused by heavy rains across parts of Somalia have displaced more than 113,000 people and...

Bur Hacaba , Bay

12-06-2023 7:18 AM

9, darunter 3 Soldaten, die von al-Sh...

Bis zu neun Menschen, darunter sechs Zivilisten und drei Soldaten, wurden bei einem Angriff islam...

Wanla Weyn , Shabeellaha Hoose

12-06-2023 7:16 AM

9 including 3 soldiers killed by al-S...

As many as nine people, including six civilians and three soldiers, were killed in an attack clai...

Baar-Dheere , Gedo

04-04-2023 4:32 AM

Mindestens 21 Tote durch Sturzfluten...

Durch heftige Regenfälle verursachte Sturzfluten töteten mindestens 21 Menschen, vertrieben über...

Baar-Dheere , Gedo

04-04-2023 4:30 AM

At least 21 killed by flash floods in...

Flash floods caused by heavy rains killed at least 21 people, displaced over 100,000 more and des...