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1. Click the button "Add Warning/Tip" or choose "My Warnings and Tips" in the menu on the right side.
2. Choose if you want to add Warning / Tip to "Current Location" or "On World Map".
3. If you choose to add Warning/Tip on the World Map you have to double click on your chosen location.
4. A pop up window will be displayed and you can choose the type of Warning/Tip & can enter more details.
1. Choose "My Warnings and Tips" in the menu on the right side.
2. Select one of your travel Warnings/Tips you want to edit.
3. Click on "edit".
4. Change and update your warning.
1. Choose "My Warnings/Tips" in the menu on the right side.
2. Select one of your travel Warnings/Tips you want to delete.
3. Click on "view".
4. Choose the function "delete" at the top right corner of your warning.